When you have a position within your company that needs filling, it is important to go about it as quickly and efficiently as possible. With just one key member of staff missing, it can become difficult to keep your business running properly.
Although it is vital that you find a replacement member of staff as quickly as possible. You don’t want to end up compromising on the type of person you require or the cost of advertising. To help you find a suitable candidate as quickly as possible without breaking the bank, have a read of our top tips below.
Use your company’s site
One of the best ways to advertise job openings is to use your own company’s website. Make sure that the careers section of your site is easy to find and simple to navigate. Ask your web designers to ensure that the careers section is visible on your company home page, so that anyone who visits your site can see it.
Ask your employees for referrals
Asking your trusted employees to refer any of their suitable contacts for a role is a popular source for hiring staff. Encourage employees to refer suitable candidates by opening an online employee referral point. Ensure that you also remind employees of available job roles each day, as well as offering employees incentives for referring their contacts to your job roles.
Word of mouth advertising
If your company has an excellent reputation, more and more people will want to work for you. If your employees are happy in their roles, they will tell people so. As more and more people hear about your company and why you are a great boss to work for, you will have too many applicants to handle.
Online job sites
Advertise your available positions on popular online job sites. Jobapplicationcenter.com is an example of a resource for advertising your positions online. Sites that accept free job postings are great for keeping your advertising costs down. Whilst sites that optimize your postings for search engines are excellent for getting your advertisements noticed.
Social media sites
Professional online networking sites, such as LinkedIn offer companies a powerful way of sourcing new candidates. Although this can be costly, there are many different ways to use social media for free to advertise your positions.
Flyers and business cards
An excellent recruitment tool is business cards and flyers. For a small cost you can print business cards and flyers advertising your available positions. Hand your business cards and flyers out to employees to pass around to friends and family etc. You could also put flyers in local shops, pubs and restaurants, and post business cards through letterboxes. Always ensure that you have a small stack of recruitment flyers or cards on your reception desk, these can be given to clients or other people who come into your office.
If you have a good social media following on Twitter and Facebook, use a blogging site to create job advertisements. Use your social media accounts to post the adverts and get them out to a much wider online audience.