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Trump: North Korea Intercontinental Missile ‘Won’t Happen’

Donald Trump has dismissed North Korea’s claim to be developing missiles capable of striking America. In a tweet, the US president-elect derided the claim by North Korea’s Kim Jong-un that preparations were in the final stage, saying: “It won’t happen.”

Donald Trump has dismissed North Korea

It was not clear if Mr Trump was expressing doubts about North Korea’s nuclear capabilities or was planning preventative action.

Mr Trump also berated China for failing to help rein in its ally North Korea.

“China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!” Mr Trump tweeted.

In his New Year message at the weekend, Mr Kim Jong-un said North Korea was close to testing long-range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

North Korea has conducted two nuclear tests in the past year, including its biggest one to date. This raised fears that it has made significant nuclear advances.

But it has never successfully test-fired such a missile.

UN resolutions call for an end to the country’s nuclear and missile tests.

Tony Williams
Tony Williams
Tony Williams is a seasoned journalist with over 10 years of experience covering a wide range of topics, from local news to international events. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the truth, Tony has won numerous awards for his investigative reporting. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of California and has worked for several top-tier newspapers. Tony is known for his tenacity and commitment to delivering high-quality journalism to his readers, and he is widely respected in the industry for his integrity and professionalism.
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