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Apple: Only Nine iPhone 6 Reported To Be Bent

The two things hipsters can’t live without, skinny jeans, and the latest iPhone, may just be incompatible.Apple (AAPL, Tech30) said Thursday that nine iPhone Six Plus buyers have complained about their phones bending since the devices went on sale last week.

Apple Only nine iPhone 6

The admission follows reports that circulated online this week claiming that the new, larger iPhone can bend after being carried in a pocket for an extended period of time.

A report in Apple blog MacRumors shows photos of two devices that appear slightly warped. The owner of one claimed the curvature appeared after carrying the device in the front pocket of his pants for several hours.

Other accounts have been posted to Twitter (TWTR, Tech30) under the hashtag #BendGate — although many include images that are clearly Photoshopped.

Nine bent phones isn’t exactly an epidemic — Apple sold a record 10 million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Pluses in just the first weekend of sales.

Apple said in a statement to DroxTech,  the new devices are subject to rigorous testing and are reinforced with steel and titanium. They feature “the strongest glass in the smartphone industry” and aluminum bodies that are “tempered for extra strength.”

“iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus meet or exceed all of our high quality standards to endure everyday, real life use,” an Apple spokesperson said. “With normal use a bend in iPhone is extremely rare.”

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