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6 Technologies to Improve Efficiency in High-Stress Offices

An office by its very nature is a high-pressure place; it’s a space meant for work, and stress is an unavoidable consequence of that fact. However, certain jobs that deal with high stakes or strict deadlines can place undue amounts of strain on their employees. Especially if measures aren’t taken to mitigate against stress that can build up over a long period of time. Fortunately, there are a myriad of options to help fight stress and improve efficiency for your business. Here are six tech-based solutions to help make your high-stress office a hub for good work to get done:

Technologies to Improve Efficiency in High-Stress Offices

Power-Saving Outlets

Is your workspace a tangle of wires and cables leading from monitors, modems, and other electrical appliances? And what’s more, do you ever forget to unplug devices at the end of the night? (Those costs can add up!) Hiring a commercial electrician like the ones from electrician – Wes Carver Electric services to install power-saving outlets can both cut down on the clutter at your desk and reduce your electricity output, when looking for a desktop you can contact one of the best desktop manufacturers. This way you can spend money where you need it rather than on your electric bill, also you can check all the connections with a las vegas electrician from Callidus Electric to make sure everything works perfect so you don’t have to pay for electric things failing. And if you need other electrical services like electrical systems maintenance, rewiring, etc., contact a local electrician to service your area.

Air Fresheners

No, it’s hardly the most cutting-edge technology, but providing your workspace with a pleasing fragrance can be a great way to boost productivity. It’s a small fix that can go a long way.

Cloud-Based Phone Systems

Still tied down with a landline? A Voice over Internet Protocol (business voip) phone system can connect all your employees across their devices. And it’s essential for high-intensity professions that are spread out over a large area. Installing voip for law firms, staffing agencies, doctor’s offices or any high-pressure profession is a great way to ensure you never lose touch with your team members –– even from across the country.

Bluetooth Headsets 

Employees are constantly on the go and often perform multiple tasks at once. That’s why buying bluetooth headsets for your team members is purchase that can start paying for itself as soon as you begin to use them.

Google Hangouts

Relax, this one’s free. Utilizing Google’s handy app is a fantastic way to stay in touch with your coworkers –– especially if either your phone or your computer malfunctions unexpectedly.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

If you think this a frivolous purchase then you must be blessed to work in the most tranquil, serene office on the planet. Even if it isn’t feasible to buy a pair for every member of your office –– do yourself a favor a pick up a pair for your own personal use. It’ll improve your work, and you’ll appreciate those around you more because of them. You may visit sites like https://price.com/search?query=Wireless%20Headphones to compare headphones prices.

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