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The Most Popular Sports Of 2014

In this short post today, we’re going to highlight the most-popular sports of 2014 based on the estimated amount of fans. We do this in the hope of making you a little more excited about these activities, and hopefully encouraging you to take part. If you’re the type of person who had ambitions of becoming a personal trainer when you were younger, it might be time to start working on your fitness again. It’s never too late to switch careers, but you will have a lot of work to do if you want to get in shape.

1. Football / Soccer

Football always comes out in the number one spot on lists like this. Indeed, that’s because the sport has well over 3.5 billion fans worldwide.

2. Cricket

You probably don’t realise this, but cricket has around 2.5 billion fans worldwide. That makes it the second-most-popular sport on the planet.

3. Field hockey

Popular in the UK, Europe and the United States, field hockey has an estimated 2 billion fans worldwide.

4. Tennis

While people in America have never taken to tennis in the same way UK, and European residents have, it still has around 1 billion fans worldwide.

5. Volleyball

This sport has been incredibly popular in Europe, Asia and Australia for many years. Indeed, that’s why experts claim it has over 900 million fans worldwide at the current time.

Now you’ve heard about the top five sports of 2014, we hope you will be more inclined to join a local club and get involved soon.


Infographic Credit http://www.sportscoverdirect.com

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