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Travel Light but Travel Bright With the Sholdit Scarf

As many frequent travelers will tell you, packing lightly pays off in the long run. By carrying less baggage, a person can avoid extra expenses and headaches on the road. This frees them up to use their time and money for whatever purpose they choose. The Sholdit Scarf from Magellan makes traveling lightly that much easier.

Sholdit ScarfThe Costs of Carrying More

There are growing expenses when it comes to travel. Rising gas prices have made driving far less affordable than it used to be. Airlines have created many new and different ways to make money, from reduced food offerings to spikes in baggage and other fees. Train cars continue to be tight on space.

The result of all of these changes is that travelers benefit frombeing resourceful when it comes to the way they pack. Airlines often charge to check bags, and they place severe weight limits on the bags they accept. Naturally, many people are carrying their luggage onboard, but this approach is not problem-free. Airlines typically limit carryon baggage to one compact suitcase and one personal item. Given that travelers are often trying to squeeze in everything from documents and food for the flight to clothes and computer devices for the trip, these restrictions leave little room to spare. Those that ignore these restrictions and bring ample baggage with them are likely to be hit with significant fees and costs.

The Benefits of Carrying Less

Packing lightly is a smart approach with benefits throughout a trip. Traveling is physically demanding, as bags will often be lugged from plane to train to car. Carrying less will save energy for the experience itself, whether it be work or pleasure.

Carrying less baggage also allows people to have their hands free to help children or other companions. People can be more spontaneous when they have fewer things to drag along. For example, they may be able to take advantage of an unexpected opportunity for a small boat ride. Touring museums and others sites is easier when you carry only a small number of personal items.

Some Tips for How to Manage

There are a range of tips available for how to pack lightly. It can be helpful to set a firm limit on the size, weight, and number of bags to take on a trip. By washing clothes, a person can greatly reduce the number of outfits they will need. Selecting versatile clothing pieces that can be interchanged and layered allows a person to bring fewer items. Then he or she can mix and match clothing pieces to add variety to outfits during a trip.

Pockets can be a great way to carry small items on the body. Certain items, including passports, driver’s licenses, tickets, and other documents, may need to be carried this way for security reasons. It is also a good idea to limit the number of accessories, such as handbags and tote bags because of their added weight and limited use.

One of the best ways to travel smartly is with the Sholdit Scarf. This handy item allows a person to carry all of the essentials in a hidden compartment on their body. This is great for the journey itself, but it is also useful for sightseeing. This multi-function piece can also be used to accessorize outfits, even if the compartment feature is not being used. With this combination of function and style, the Sholdit Scarf make traveling lightly and smartly seem easy.

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