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If Litigation Calls, Make Sure You Are Ready

A lot of businesses face litigation issues. So many, in fact, that it is almost part and parcel of being an employer. Whether it is from a customer, an employee, or a pollution issue, a court appearance could be just around the corner. With this in mind, we thought we would talk you through how to get ready for the worst.


Be Prepared

Being ready for anything is a skill in itself. But all businesses should have a basic plan of action to start at a moment’s notice. It is vital to have an established legal representative when you are in business. You need somebody that knows you and your company, and you don’t want to waste time by looking for someone else. Like any industry, law has its good and bad practitioners. Having a business litigation attorney already means you won’t have to put up with someone who won’t help your case at all.

Take Action, Immediately

Do not underestimate any lawsuit that is brought to you. It is vital that you act straight away, or there could be repercussions at a later stage. Contact your commercial litigation lawyers immediately and give yourself as long as possible to gather everything you need.

Prepare A Statement

Your attorney will ask you for a written statement of your version of events at some point. But you should start this the second you hear about the impending action. It will be fresh in your mind and give you the opportunity to be clear and concise, without any fuzzy memories. Writing everything down will also help you turn those memories into concrete. This will help you to be a more credible witness if you have to go to the stands.

Collect Evidence

Collect as much relevant evidence as you possibly can. Papers, documents and evidence of training courses can all be used in your defense. You may need witnesses, too. Collect names and statements from anybody who say anything. You could also seek professional witnesses. If there is an injury involved, for example, you could try and find a medical expert witness. They will help you support any defense you might have that the injuries were not relevant to the case.

Stay Calm

It can be a stressful time, but it is important to keep a clear head and stay focused on your business. You can stay involved with the process, but do not forget your responsibilities. Maybe you could check in daily with your legal team every morning. It can be very difficult separating what is going on in the courts to what is going on in the workplace, but you need to meet a happy medium. Your business is at even more risk if you don’t.

Consider Out Of Court Settlements

Many litigations are not brought to court, because of settlements. Even if you know you are completely innocent, a settlement can make your problem disappear. Legal battles such as litigation can be long, drawn out and expensive. And there are no guarantees of success. If you think it will save you money and time, settlements are a great way to approach litigation. Just make sure you don’t give in to every last demand.

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