Long-term disability insurance is a crucial benefit that many employers offer to employees to protect them when a long-term disability prevents the worker from continuing in his or her current capacity. Severe psychological disorders, such as anxiety or depression, or physical ailments, such as chronic pain or fibromyalgia, can be debilitating disabilities that may seriously impair the employee’s ability to continue working. However, in the event of an accident or the development of a long-term disability, insurance companies don’t always want to pay. Income replacement benefits can be expensive for disability insurance companies, so they will reject claims whenever they can. The question then becomes: how do you make sure your claim isn’t one that’s rejected.
The very first thing that you need to do is partner with knowledgeable, experienced, and skillful personal injury attorneys. Making sure your claim is successful requires rigorous paperwork and documentation, and when you’re trying to recover from an accident or improve your health, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands. Don’t go at it alone: a good injury disability lawyer in Toronto will fight your insurance claim denial, protect your legal rights, and prevent you from making any missteps thatcould damage your case.
You should only select an attorney who works on a contingency basis, which means that they will only collect a fee if you win. This is something offered by long term disability insurance lawyers in Toronto like Blackacre Law. In addition, make sure that your attorney offers you the opportunity to have a complementary one-on-one consultation to assess your case and make sure and that their services are a good fit for your needs. Finally, be careful to choose a lawyer that offers hours when you are available, including nights and weekends, and who can even make a hospital visit when necessary. By coming to visit you in the hospital, the attorneys at Blackacre Law prioritize your health and your recovery.
Remember that insurance companies make every possible effort to avoid having to pay for claims; it’s how they stay in business, but you’re entitled to the benefits in your contract. The fact that your claim was denied does not necessarily mean that your case is without merit. You may have made statements or written declarations which compromise your position or maybe the company is using photos of you from social media to show that you’re not ill. Anyone with chronic pain can tell you that there’s a big difference between doing daily activities as part of your recovery and being fit for work. Being happy and being free of pain are two very different things when you suffer from chronic pain. None of these issues are insurmountable if you have a qualified attorney who will assist you in navigating these legal minefields. For more information on your rights and the process of dealing with insurance companies, stop by Injurydisabilitylawyer.ca/long-term-disability/ to learn more.
It is also important to remember that in Ontario, under the Ontario Insurance Act, accident benefits include coverage for car accidents. In addition, members of your immediate family, who were not involved in the accident, may qualify for benefits under Ontario law if they have suffered physical or emotional trauma as a result of the accident. An injury and disability lawyer in Toronto should be familiar with a wide range of situations, including car accidents, dog bites, life insurance denial, and termination of employment due to illness, among others. They can help you and your family when the insurance company rejects your much-needed claim.