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4 Questions You Mustn’t Forget To Ask Before Offering Someone A Job

When you’re offering someone a job, there’s a lot of questions you need to ask. You’ll interview them about their suitability and where they’ve been in the past, but you might forget to ask crucial questions. These are the moments you’ll regret as soon as more details come to fruition. You can’t allow yourself to forget about these. Use the following tips as a refresher.


Question 1: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

This is often seen as an important one, but there are employers that don’t ask it. You always want to find out why an employee left their previous occupation. This will help you to determine whether they were fired or the reasons for why they moved on. A question like this can uncover all sorts of details about the person and their situation. Even if the answer is a disappointing one, you can use this information valuably as you take the interview further. You don’t want to find out that they were fired for malicious behaviour when it’s too late!

Question 2: What Do You Know About Our Company?

This one’s a favourite of mine, and it’s simply a great way of finding out whether the potential employee really cares. Have they bothered to even research what you’re all about? In this modern age, anyone can go on a computer and discover information. Then, there are those that will go the extra mile and uncover details that aren’t so easily found. This will instantly give you an impression of what type of employee you might be dealing with. Those who go above and beyond should take precedence.

Question 3: Have You Got Any Holiday Planned?

This one’s a big stumbling block if you forget to ask it. It’s only fair that you allow a new employee to take the holiday they had already booked before they got the job. By asking at the right time, you can input their details into your HR software and allocate the time as necessary. If you forget, you’ll be in a position where you’ll try to arrange it at the last minute. This could leave you with a dangerously low number of employees if you’re not careful. Make sure you ask this at the interview.

Question 4: Do You Suffer From Any Medical Conditions?

This is a requirement, and you’ll have it on a form they’ll have to fill in anyway. Still, it’s always best to pose the question verbally, too. If they’re going to be working with dangerous equipment, it’s imperative that you get to the bottom of this. Even if they’re going to be sitting in an office all day, you need to make sure your office is well-equipped. Not only is this important as a requirement for your business, but you want to make the employee feel comfortable. It can help you to arrange new equipment that will improve their productivity if necessary.

The next time you conduct a job interview, don’t forget to ask these four questions. They might just save you a lot of hassle later on.

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