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What Does Google’s New Algorithm Mean For Your Business?

Google has just announced the latest update to its search algorithm. It has been dubbed Penguin 3.0 and it aims to crack down further on spam. Essentially, Google are making it harder to play the system in terms of SEO practices. So, what does that mean for you and your SEO company? It means that you’ll need a tighter focus with your campaigns. A wide-ranging campaign will no longer be as effective as it once was. As a business, you need to decide what you want to achieve from your SEO and target that niche. Get an unreal SEO results by Move Ahead Media, if you visit and consider their service today!


It’s worth speaking to an SEO company like this SEO for ClickFunnels and double checking your plans. It’s time to set some more specific goals. Make sure they understand what you want to achieve. Setting goals is the only true way to measure the impact of the changes too. In the wake of Google’s upgrade, what do you need to know?

SEO still isn’t a silver bullet

Search Engine Optimisation won’t solve all of your problems with the click of a mouse. It is a long process and part of a much wider marketing strategy. It should be treated as such. Setting goals for your SEO company gives them focus. It also provides them with attainable targets so they can provide results. An experienced SEO expert in Perth can help your business, but only with the right strategy. What do you want to achieve?

More Pageviews

Many content based websites will strive for more pageviews. More pageviews leads to more ad revenue which leads to higher turnover. It is also a sensible marketing strategy as it leads to more eyes on your content and more sharing. It leads to higher readership. However more pageviews isn’t so useful to a niche business. Sheer numbers are not necessarily helpful. You need the right numbers.

Ecommerce sales

If your target is pure sales, your SEO strategy will be different. You’ll need to hire a Boston SEO specialist to target very specific search keywords to hit your ecommerce store. You’ll want to use SEO to tap into a very specific niche of people looking for your product. Sheer numbers don’t always help you here. This is even more important after Google’s update. You need the help of SEO experts in Tucson to get right into the niche.

Branding, public opinion and reputation management

This is a less direct SEO practice but is used to indirectly influence web users. You can use SEO and keywords to help direct the online conversation in your favour. This is particularly useful in swaying public opinion and dealing with bad reviews. Again, this strategy requires a different approach to ecommerce and pageview based SEO. It requires a wider reach and clever implementation.

It’s really very important to view SEO as part of a wider strategy. It is not a solution that can be quickly implemented and improve your Google ranking overnight. With Google’s algorithm update, this is becoming more and more true. To get the best use out of your SEO company, you must give them actionable goals. Give them targets to achieve and that way you’ll get the best results. If you give your SEO company too wide a purview, it will be completely ineffective. Let them be part of the process from the start. Make sure they understand the key goals of the marketing team and the business as a whole.


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