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The Dip: Graffiti On Homes Lowers Value

With the sudden boom in the housing market, you might want to think about selling up and making a profit whilst you can. Due to the high value of housing, current homeowners are in an ideal position to make money from their property. Selling is always a difficult feat and will take time. Right now is the best time to sell if you are looking to get high-end prices on the property you own.


One thing many homeowners fail to take into consideration when selling, though, is graffiti. If your property has even the slightest bit of graffiti on it, this can devalue your home. Potential buyers will not want to buy a property which appears damaged in this way. That is exactly why it is so important that you sort out the problem before you put your property on the market.

Graffiti Is The Homeowners Responsibility

Many homeowners are under the impression that graffiti is not their problem. They assume that the person who gratified on their property has the responsibility to remove it, but this is not the case. The responsibility of removing graffiti from the property is always the property owner’s.

Some homeowners believe that the local council should help them in removing the graffiti, but, again, this is not the case. The council does not have to help you in cleaning your personal property. They can tell you to get the graffiti removed, though if it is offending neighbours.

Before you sell your house, it is your duty to clean the exterior of it. Ensure you get any graffiti removed from your home, before putting it on the market.

Removing Unsightly Graffiti Is Vital

When people come to view your property, they are looking out for key signs. Some of these signs are good, such as a good school in the region, others are bad, such as graffiti in the area. If your home has graffiti on it then, you need to get it removed. The graffiti not only means your house gets devalued, but also that the houses in the local area lose value too.

Selling Your Home Is Easier When It’s Graffiti Free

Selling your property when your home is graffiti-free will not only be easier, but it will also be quicker. You do not want to give anyone a reason not to buy your home. Getting rid of graffiti is difficult if you attempt to do this alone. Few people have the means to do this themselves, and you can damage your property if you try and remove graffiti in the wrong way. The best thing to do is to have expert graffiti removers clean up graffiti for you.

Clean Homes Reach Higher Estimated Values

Studies have shown that clean homes reach higher estimated valued. So, if your house is clean and graffiti-free on the outside you are likely to get a higher value for your home. There is no reason to let your property’s value decrease because of dirt and graffiti, so clean your house thoroughly. You may even hire a house cleaning services company to help make your home squeaky clean.

Once you have a clean brickwork on the exterior of your property you can ask a much higher value when selling the house. It does not make sense to take advantage of the property boom if you are not willing to give yourself the best chance at a high sale. Ensuring that you have the best possible opportunity to make money on your property is vital.

Selling a property is a huge step and takes much consideration. If you have some knowledge of the market and take steps to make your property attractive to buyers, you could make a huge profit.

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