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How To Make Your Team Work Harder Without Putting Them Under Pressure

Most businesses come under increased strain at this time of year due to an influx of orders before the Christmas period. That means many company bosses have no choice, but to spend lots of extra money on agency staff. While you don’t want to push your workers too hard, giving them a little encouragement is not going to hurt. Spending all that extra money on temporary staff should be a last resort. Before things get that far, you should do everything within your power to make your full-time employees pull their weight. There are lots of techniques and strategies you could use, but the ones mentioned in this article have been proven to work time and time again. At the end of the day, the last thing you want is for someone who works for you to have a breakdown caused by stress. However, they can’t expect to have an easy ride.

 Richter Frank-Jurgen

Offering incentive schemes

Some of the employers we spoke to when planning this article claimed that incentive schemes were the best way to increase productivity. So, perhaps you might like to put a program in place that allows your team to earn monthly bonuses? Dangling a carrot in that way is known to produce good results. Of course, doing that is going to cost you more money, but nowhere near as much as you would spend on agency staff.

Improve your workspace

People will never want to go the extra mile for you if their working conditions are poor. With that in mind, you might like to consider updating your heating systems and providing some fun entertainment for break times. Whether they play pool in their privates lives or not, most of your team would be more than happy with a few games during their lunch. When all’s said and done, making your office, warehouse or factory a little more welcoming can go a long way.

Provide the best tools and equipment

If you can’t be bothered to invest in the best equipment and tools for your staff, how can you expect them to be bothered about working harder? Those employed in office environments should be given the best computers to complete their duties. Those who work in warehouses or factories should be given all the machinery they need to perform their jobs safely. You don’t have to break the bank though. Specialist websites like http://www.forkliftguys.co.za list some of the items you might require. Best of all? Buying online means you’ll get the best deals.

Be a good boss

That’s right folks, the road to success could be as simple as just being a good boss. Take some time each day to speak with your employees, and always keep them abreast of recent advancements. If people feel like they are an important part of your company, they are much more likely to put more effort in. Try cracking a few tasteful jokes from time to time. Everyone likes a good laugh.

So, there you have it. Those are the best ways of making your team work harder without putting them under pressure. While you could set targets for your staff, doing so usually produces negative results. At the end of the day, who needs extra stress at work?

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