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Farm Security: Are You Acknowledging The Risks?

If there is one thing that farmers have in common, it’s the security issues that surround running it. Every single farmer out there will understand how hard it can be to keep a farm secure. After all, farms that include a custom pole building are often made up of acres of green countryside that is easily accessible to the wider public. It’s difficult to manage a patrol of every single section of a farm due to the sheer size. Over the years, more and more farmers have stopped being so lax about security and are stepping up their efforts to ensure that their equipment and livestock is better protected. Quite shockingly, in some places where community is the biggest safety feature, farmers are still leaving their farmhouses unlocked and are leaving their expensive farming equipment in the open. Road gates are stood open, tools are unsecured and this trust among the neighbours – while wonderful to see – is going to be the downfall of farmers who trust that little bit too much.

Farm Security

Crimes against farms and ranches are becoming high once again, which means that while it may save time for farmers and farm hands to just move seamlessly from place to place instead of locking and unlocking buildings, it may not be the right way to go about things. The relaxed approach to security has got to go, and farmers can call Varner to discuss their fencing needs, but they can also look at the lax way that they are going about their security right now and start putting measures into place to tighten things up. Farmers have got to accept that times have changed; people are no longer able to put their trust in the local communities. People will eye the tractors and working tools and instead of being impressed with the way farmers spend their farming budget, they’ll be totalling up their worth so that they can be stolen and sold. It’s a sad way to look at it, but security is key. Securing belongings should be a priority for farmers. It’s not just a place that animals graze or wheat is grown; it’s a business. If someone not familiar to a farm decides that it is easy pickings, then it’s going to be their livelihood that suffers. Rural communities are supposed to be safe places to live, but if farmers are not looking at their farm security, are they even acknowledging the dangers?

It may be easy to stumble into farmland without realising that is what it is, but that doesn’t mean that anyone have to make it easy for those out there to do it. This is private land; hard-earned cash has been poured into this place and no farmer should be complacent about the dangers of strangers turning a curious eye to the back door of the farm. While not everyone out there will have less-than-honest intentions on farmland, there will occasionally be thieves and livestock protestors that can make their way into private land and cause trouble. The key is knowing how to secure the land properly. Below, you’ll find several ways that this can be done.

Proper Signage. Farmers that acknowledge that there are risks to their farm will be the ones that invest in the correct signage around the perimeter. The most common people that are going to be on farm land without permission are hikers just trying to get to their destination. Their being on a farm is not malicious, but usually a mistake. However, if farmers don’t have the right signage on their farm, then they can’t complain about hitchhikers. A simple sign to do with trespassing being prohibited should be enough.

Proper Training. People who work on a farm have to be as informed of the perimeters and the security risks as the owners. They need to be trained properly in what to do if they spot intruders on the farmland and it should be a requirement of the job to spot any worrisome behaviour from people who are at the perimeters.

Barriers. Barbed wire barriers, Lattice Screening, and vinyl fencing are essential for large farms, because it’s often the case that signage just isn’t that visible. If you are looking for fencing contractors, go to https://www.illawarrafencingservices.com.au/. Farmers should plant hedges that are tall around the edge of their land and intersperse this with the right signage the entire way around. Barriers like hedges can also hide the land and what you have on it, deterring thieves because they cannot see what’s available on the land.

Alarms. If a farmer is raising pricey livestock or they have prize animals or vegetables on their farm, then it makes sense to set up alarms across the entire area. Alarms and visible CCTV are excellent deterrents to those looking to come onto a farm with bad intentions.

Vehicular Tags. Not just for cars that are used on the farm, tagging tractors and other equipment makes good sense for any farmer. A farmer can do absolutely everything and still have the unfortunate situation of a break-in, but if vehicles and equipment are fitted with GPS trackers, then the vehicles can be tracked by the police. This will also allow farmers to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice with the help of the law.

Dogs. A farm full of animals is going to be better off having a guard dog or two on the land. There is rarely a farm without dogs involved, but a dog’s bark can warn off intruders with more effectiveness than any other security measure out there.

Farms are always high targets for thieves and vandals, so it makes sense that farmers should do everything that they can do to minimise the risks of break ins and vandalism where possible. Taking the right steps to protect land means that crime rates for farms can start to decrease instead of increase. It’s important for farmers everywhere to implement as many security measures as possible to protect their assets and their animals. Reducing the risks is going to make a huge difference to the livelihood of a farmer: don’t take it for granted.


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