Treatment options for drugs and substance abuse vary depending on individual needs. Your practitioner will guide you on choosing an addiction recovery plan that works best for you based on the type of drug, affordability, the level of care needed, and the severity of the addiction. Women with Pregnant Addiction problems must seek help immediately given their delicate condition.
Common addiction treatment options include the following;
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral therapy can treat various forms of addiction, such as marijuana, alcohol, prescription drugs, and food addictions. It is a form of therapy aimed at recognizing unhealthy behavior patterns and helping the victim identify facilitators to the behavior, If you also know someone who’s experiencing unhealthy behavior, you can ask them to check out online sites for treatments relating to alcohol or view it here quickly.
Cognitive therapy helps a patient to come up with coping mechanisms with the help of a counseling therapist. It is used with other therapeutic techniques to bring about healing.
Contingency Management
It is a form of addiction treatment that invokes reinforcement of positive behavior by rewarding the victim. The tangible rewards and motivational incentives encourage a patient to maintain a sober lifestyle by enforcing positive behaviors that lead to change.
Contingency management is ideal for addiction treatment in patients who are not able to take certain addiction medications. It is used with other therapies to increase the chances of complete sobriety and treatment retention rates.
Detoxification allows patients to get rid of the drugs and substances from their bodies. It is a medically assisted process that is done with the help of medical practitioners. It plays a major role in successfully removing drugs from the body by dealing with withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening.
It is important to note that the detoxification process does not treat underlying facilitators of addiction. Therefore, it is followed by other therapies that help in dealing with the causes of addiction.
Treatment with Medication
Doctors can use prescription drugs with other behavior therapy techniques to help treat drugs and substance abuse. Delphi Health Group uses certain medications to help decrease addictive behaviors, reduce cravings and boost the mood of patients.
The medication reduces the urge to use drugs and helps in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms. Some drugs lead to fatal withdrawal symptoms and need a Substance Abuse interventionist in NJ to save the life of a substance abuse victim.
Addiction Stages of Recovery
Complete recovery from drugs and substance use is a lifelong process. It involves the following stages;
Initiation of treatment
Initiation of the treatment process begins with a professional treatment program. It may be a voluntary move or forced by the circumstances and is aimed at helping the patient to participate in the treatment process actively and accept that abstinence from drugs is the overall goal of the treatment plan. Therapists help victims explore their feelings of denial, look at the effects of addiction and assist the patient get motivated to recover.
Early Abstinence
It is the most critical stage in the treatment process due to the triggers that entice you to relapse, withdrawal symptoms, and cravings. At this stage, counselors teach patients coping mechanisms and physical aspects of withdrawal and handling triggers and cravings. They may encourage participation in healthy activities and self-help groups for support and help you to identify environmental factors that trigger cravings.
Maintaining Abstinence
It is a stage that involves avoiding relapse and learning steps and danger signs that could lead to a relapse. You will learn skills such as developing a drug-free lifestyle, nutrition and physical exercise programs, and how to avoid substitutive addictions with the help of a therapist. Yoga can also help you live a happier & healthier life.
Advanced recovery
It is the final stage of recovery that involves putting into practice all the skills and techniques learned in the rehab facility. At this stage, patients are fully recovered and can engage in consistent schedules and create long-term goals.
Lastly, you might wonder where do you go after completing treatment. You might want to check out this mental health transitional living housing, which offers various services designed to support you or your loved one’s recovery.